Alongside the design and implementation plans, we also offer stand alone garden maintenance services. If any of these interest you, do not hesitate to contact us.

Maintenance & Renovation

Cloud pruning

Cloud pruning

As trained horticulturalists, Stem offer a garden maintenance service. We work closely with clients to deliver the best service for their garden. We offer regular maintenance service either bi-monthly, monthly or quarterly, as well as a one-off overhaul. When we are on site, we evaluate the needs of the garden, and aim to turnaround the garden within that visit. If the garden is on a large site, we will tackle each area on a seasonal basis to ensure that your garden is looking its best during the year.

Sometimes a garden will lose its way, and will need an overhaul. Here we can transform your garden from a wilderness to a tidy usable space that you can once more enjoy and continue to work on yourselves or hire us on a ad hoc basis to keep your garden looking great.

Planting service

Setting out

Setting out

Gardens are constantly evolving. Even with a well-designed garden, gaps will occur and borders can become tired. Stem can offer a planting service that could be a whole border redesign or a simple seasonal addition such as bulbs.

A planting plan is drawn up, where we outline the numbers needed, plant species and spacing required.  Once the plan has been confirmed, we source and select the plants from our local nurseries, then return to set out and plant up. 

We have selected a small number of nurseries to work with to ensure that the plants are the best possible specimens, and where necessary we will hand pick specimen plants to ensure only the finest plants are used.

Once a year, Stem offers a bulb planting service. We can either plant bulbs you have ordered yourself or we can choose them for you, order and plant up once delivered.

Tree planting

Specimen trees

Planting a tree has long term implications in terms of final tree size, shape and location. Here Stem can offer a service where we hand pick your tree from an expert specialist nursery. Due to changes in our weather, choosing trees that will have longevity and the ability to deal with this change is key. Trees can be chosen to fit into large pots or planted directly into the garden. Once the tree is on site, Stem will plant up with all the necessary requirements to ensure your tree has the best start right from the beginning. We offer an on-going maintenance service to return each year, making any necessary changes or pruning to keep your tree looking its best.


At Stem, we work together with our clients to source a wide range of items for the garden that are not always available in the UK. We will take into consideration the clients style and budget to find the right item for the garden, balcony or patio. This may be a decorative pot with a stunning specimen tree or sourcing garden furniture.


Sometimes a client will need advice for their garden but aren’t necessarily looking for a redesign. Here Stem can offer a two hour consultation where we will walk round the garden and advise on how to get the best from the space. We can advise on renovating existing plants, filling in gaps, seasonal tasks, pruning advice and best times of year to do make changes. We can also advise on when to lift and move existing shrubs. If required, a written report detailing our visit can also be provided. 

We are constantly taking pictures of work and interesting beautiful aspects of gardening, check out our instagram page for the latest news and projects we are working on.